Pedestrians Have Rights To File Personal Injury Claims
The Chicago Department of Transportation completed an extensive survey of pedestrian crashes from 2005 to 2009. According to the study, there were more than 3,100 pedestrians injured in crashes during this time period. This is a troubling number considering that accidents involving pedestrians often result in serious injuries.
At Rapoport Weisberg Sims & VanOverloop P.C. our lawyers help injured people recover the compensation they deserve. We have built an impressive record over the years helping victims of serious accidents. If you have been struck by a vehicle and injured, we can help you protect your welfare and hold the negligent parties accountable for their actions.
We Understand The Struggles Our Clients Face
Children between the ages of 5 and 18 are the most common victims of Chicago pedestrian accidents, according to the Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT), and the most common time for pedestrian accidents to occur is between 3 and 6 p.m. However, pedestrian accidents can happen to anyone at any time and often result in serious injuries.
A skilled and experienced attorney can help you get the maximum compensation available by carefully gathering and presenting evidence of the many ways in which the injury will impact your life. We understand that a serious crash can change the course of your life, leaving you to struggle with pain, reduced function, ongoing medical concerns, mental suffering, loss of earnings and expensive medical care.
The Right Legal Strategy For You
Your injuries will affect you in countless ways. Finding the right approach to get you the money you deserve takes experience, skill and dedication. Although most cases ultimately result in a settlement, a legal team willing to go to trial on your behalf is often necessary to get you a fair and proper result. We are experienced trial lawyers with a record of success, as well as skilled negotiators. We will pursue every avenue in getting our clients full and fair compensation.
To learn more about our firm or to discuss your pedestrian accident, contact us online or call 312-445-9160 to schedule a free consultation. We are located in Chicago and work with clients throughout Illinois.