What Causes Nursing Home And Hospital Falls?
Nursing homes and hospitals have a responsibility to their patients. Many patients at these institutions are at significant risk of injury from falls.
There are many possible factors that can cause your loved one to be at high risk for falls. This may include medication that causes him or her to become disoriented. If he or she has an injury or condition that renders him or her unstable, the likelihood and severity of a fall increases.
For these and other reasons, nursing homes and hospitals are required to offer sufficient levels of assistance and supervision. If they fail to do so, a lawyer can help you hold them accountable.
The Importance Of Supervision
If patients are left alone for extended periods, they may feel the need to risk moving even if they know their balance is compromised. Many fall cases happen at night when patients get up to relieve themselves. Hospitals and nursing homes can reduce the risk of falls in numerous ways. Proper supervision and training are vital to protecting patients from serious injuries caused by falls.
We Help Families Dealing With Loved Ones’ Injuries
The most common serious injuries caused by falls include head trauma, excessive bleeding, broken bones and, in some cases, death. Nursing homes and hospitals are in the best position to protect patients from these injuries. When they fail to follow the proper standard of care and a fall occurs as a result, they should be held accountable.
Rapoport Weisberg Sims & VanOverloop P.C. helps families with a loved one who was hurt in a hospital or nursing home fall. Please fill out our online form to schedule a free initial consultation with an attorney, or call 312-445-9160. We represent families in Chicago and throughout Illinois.