Attorney David Rapoport, President of the National Board of Legal Speciality Certification, attorney Gary McNeil, Executive Director of the Texas Board of Legal Speciality Certification and Joan Eagle, a Chicago lawyer and current Chairperson of the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission, co-presented at the ABA National Specialization Roundtable held in Denver, Colorado, last weekend. The topic of their presentation, Bringing Peel v. Illinois ARDC Non-Compliant States Back Into Compliance – How to get the attention of well-intentioned but unknowing regulators, included suggestions and a discussion about how those involved in legal specialty certification can work to have state-to-state regulation both more compliant with the First Amendment and overall more cordial to certification as a consumer-friendly credential.
The ABA’s annual National Specialization Roundtable is the only periodic networking event for all administrators and directors of specialty certification programs for lawyers in America.