In line with the upcoming, nation-wide implementation of Comprehensive Safety Analysis 2010 (CSA 2010) the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) launched Friday the initial phase of its Driver Pre-Employment Screening Program (PSP). The PSP, one of the many changes the FMCSA is making to the current regulations governing large motor carriers, will enable carrier companies, including semi-trailer truck carriers, to have electronic access to the driving records for potential new drivers, specifically crash records and driver safety inspections.
As mentioned in a previous post, one of the major safety updates that CSA 2010 provides is a safety evaluation and measurement system for drivers; until this point, only carriers themselves were subject to such a system. The PSP will undoubtedly assist in the evaluation of a potential driver’s commitment to safety and allow a motor carrier to weed out those who have a history of reckless driving behavior or safety violations.
The PSP is expected to fully launch this summer with the launch of CSA 2010 not far behind it. The FMCSA deserves much applause for the creation, revitalization and infusion of these important safety measures into the current regulation system. While this new era of industry-wide checks and balances won’t prevent every crash or injury, it will surely aid in upping the quality of truck and bus drivers allowed on the road. Safer drivers equal safer highways for all motorists, no matter the size of the vehicle.