In an effort to enhance and update the current safety standards of the trucking industry, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is in the process of finalizing and nationally introducing a initiative two years in the making. Comprehensive Safety Analysis 2010 (CSA 2010) is a program designed by the FMCSA which introduces an updated enforcement and compliance model aimed at improving the safety standards for the interstate operation of larger motor vehicles with the goal of reducing crashes, injuries and fatalities that occur nationwide.
One key difference between the proposed CSA 2010 and the current federal regulations is that, under CSA 2010, individual drivers as well as carriers will be subject to the safety measurements and investigations; the current system focuses on the carriers alone.
In 2008, the FMCSA rolled out the CSA 2010 Operation Model Test, a pilot program currently installed in nine states that obligates all applicable motor carriers within the test state to comply with regulations that the CSA 2010 will eventually impose on all states. The CSA 2010 is slated for nationwide enforcement in summer, 2010.